Experience Day at the BBMF 2018

BBMF Experience Day 2018

Header image: ‘Experience Day’ prize winner, Martin Wright (left) and his guests get up close to the action and the noise with the BBMF at RAF Coningsby on 17th June. (All photos: Clive Rowley)

RAF Memorial Flight Official Club member Martin Wright, from Salisbury, was the lucky winner of the Club ballot prize for April, an ‘Experience Day’ at the BBMF. Martin spent the day at the BBMF’s home at RAF Coningsby on Sunday 17th June and brought along as his guests his father, Stephen, and his younger brother, Ashley, (both of whom are also Club members) as well as friend David Hoskins.

BBMF prizes April to June 2018

Club prizes and winners – April to June 2018

All members of the RAF Memorial Flight Official Club are automatically entered into the Club’s monthly prize ballots and Club members have won some brilliant ballot prizes in the last three months. In addition, there were additional bonus competition prizes on offer each month. These were the Club prizes and winners for April to June 2018:

Win a tour of the inside of BBMF Lancaster PA474

Win an internal tour of BBMF Lancaster PA474

Header image: A tour of the inside of Lancaster PA474 and its cockpit is waiting for the lucky winner of this month's ballot prize. (PA474 has dual controls, unlike operational wartime Lancasters.)
(Photo: John Dibbs)

This month one lucky member of the RAF Memorial Flight Official Club will win a ‘money cannot buy it’ opportunity to experience what it is like inside BBMF Lancaster PA474, which is very representative of operational wartime Lancasters.

How to enter the ballot

All current members of the RAF Memorial Flight Club have been automatically entered into this month’s ballot. If you’re not already a member, please join the Club before 1st July 2018 to stand a chance of winning the prize. 


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