BBMF ballot prizes July - September 2017

Ballot prize winners – July to September 2017

All members of the RAF Memorial Flight Official Club are automatically entered into the Club’s monthly prize ballots. There have been some more superb prizes won by members in the last few months. The prizes for July to September 2017 and the lucky Club members who won them were:

Scampton air show 2017

Scampton Air Show 9-10 September 2017

Header image: Scampton Air Show from the air.

After three years without a major air show in Lincolnshire, crowds totaling some 50,000 braved inclement weather for the inaugural Scampton Air Show on 9th and 10th September. Held at the famous air base, now the home of the Red Arrows, this was the airfield from which the legendary ‘Dams Raid’ was launched in May 1943. The new air show was eagerly anticipated and generally much enjoyed by those who attended, despite the weather. The event, which will now be an annual feature of the air show calendar, is run by the same team that organises the Royal International Air Tattoo to raise funds to support the RAF Charitable Trust.

Bentley Priory Museum - win tickets

Win tickets to the Bentley Priory Museum (worth £45)

Bentley Priory Museum in Stanmore, North London, is based within the stunning Mansion House which was formerly RAF Headquarters Fighter Command.

One lucky Club member will win a family ticket to the Museum, which will admit two adults and up to two children. The winner can also claim a free drink and cake in the Museum’s café for up to four people.

How to enter the ballot

All current members of the Club have been entered into this month’s ballot prize draw. If you’re not already a member, please join the RAF Memorial Flight Club before 1 October 2017.

As well as being entered into this month’s prize draw, you’ll also receive a Club membership pack. The pack contains detailed information about the BBMF and exclusive gifts including a BBMF wallplanner, pin badge and car sticker. Club members can also claim a free aircraft hangar tour at the BBMF Visitor Centre.

You will be contacted in October if you’re the lucky winner.

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